Accreditation of ISONIKE Ltd for ISO 37001: 2016 (Anti-Bribery Management System)

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ISONIKE Ltd is pleased to announce that at the expiration of 2021 we received the Accreditation from E.SY.D. (Hellenic Accreditation System) for the Certification of Antibribery Management Systems in accordance with the internationally recognized standard ISO 37001: 2016.
Another 'accreditation journey' has successfully come to an end. This makes us very pleased,  -but more importantly proud, as this was about a conscious choice which is based on our constant commitment to business ethics and ethical values in the broader sense. During the journey we able to explore most interesting worlds such as those of United Nations - Global Impact, Transparency International, Global Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Centre (GIACC), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC), International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), World Federation of Engineers (WFEO), etc. We have been able to deepen into the global effort which is made against bribery and corruption. We have confirmed that there are no longer just small outbreaks in support of this effort, but important and methodical efforts by large and reputable organizations worldwide. Increasingly more important people are taking the lead and / or actively contributing towards this direction. This is because the elimination of bribery and corruption is an important prerequisite for achieving sustainable development and prosperity.
We are optimistic that with this step forward we will be able to offer significant value and contribute more actively in improving the business climate of trust, transparency and business effectiveness. But not only that. We are optimistic that with this step forward we are doing ‘our little part’ in the sustainable development needed by everyone for the prosperity of the world